Wednesday, 5 November 2014

HoneyTrap Marketing/Distribution


The target audience is urban 15-25 year olds. As they are more likely to relate to this story, and 25 year old would be looking for critically acclaimed films and that is what Honeytrap is.

First in the marketing they had to start fundraising they did this by …
1)   Creating a profile and start developing a fan base 

2)   Crowd funding promo sent to potential donors and future audiences 

Next they had to start creating a buzz for their film …
1)   They dedicated film pages on Facebook, twitter and tumblr
2)   The cast, soundtrack artists and networks of young people posted content from rehearsals and on-set. 

Closer to the release date, they used other ways in which to create a bigger buzz
1)   They targeted film and urban music blogs ad magazines, that focused on young people / women issues and knife crime prevention 
2)   Linked Top girl with their film to gain followers who watched it. 

3)   Looked at promotions with blackberry messenger, whatsapp and other free message and networking services used heavily by young people.


The distributer for this film was Anchor Bay, they have also distributed Machine and Spartacus and other films in a wide range of genres.

Being an independent film means that getting a distributor is much harder then a big blockbuster film, this is because they don’t have as much money to put into it so there is no wide release as of this minute

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